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Need an audit?

Gloves off - Let's highlight your growth bottlenecks.

Visma Enterprise
QT Group
Happy Signals
Toggl Plan
HR Datahub
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Costa Commerce

So, what brings you here?

Do you need a full scan of what's (not) working in your marketing? Or do you have something in particular in mind?

Help! I don't know where to begin

Content performance

Our content audit breaks down all your marketing content, with a special focus on core web pages, blog articles, guides and ebooks, and customer stories. It also outlines weak points and opportunities.

Use the insights to:

  • Identify content gaps along your funnel
  • Improve topical coherence and message consistency
  • Prioritize content creation and optimization for improved organic performance

Tell me what's wrong

Digital advertising performance

Our digital advertising audit aims to explore all your advertising channels, identify development areas, and provide insights on how to improve your results.

Use the insights to:

  • Optimize your advertising technical setup: we'll analyze your pixels, conversion points, and audiences configured, highlight what needs improvement, and show you how to do it.
  • Revamp your campaign structure: we'll analyze your current setup and make recommendations to build the most efficient campaign structure for your goals and funnel.
  • Understand the performance of your accounts, per channel, based on:
    • Conversions,
    • CPC,
    • Clicks
    • Reach and audience penetration
    • Keyword hygiene and ad placements,

Prerequisites: we need access to your ad platforms

Let's step up

HubSpot tech & processes

Our HubSpot audit objective is to help you create seamless bridges between HubSpot and the rest of your ecosystem.

Use the insights to:

  • Improve your HubSpot processes based on your use cases
  • Get an overall health check of your HubSpot ecosystem 
  • Review your integrations and data flow (we'll also recommend integrations that make sense for your business)

Show me the way

My marketing funnel

The marketing funnel audit guides you through enhancing user experience, optimizing conversion rates, and patching up potential leaks in the funnel.

Our funnel audits include actionable recommendations on how to move more quality leads down your funnel to support your business growth.

Use the insights to:

  • Identify whether there are enough conversion points that support the target audience’s information needs and different stages of the funnel
  • Understand how your website currently directs visitors and how to enhance this process
  • Recognize whether your visitors and contacts are guided meaningfully throughout the funnel

It's funnel time

SEO & organic visibility

Our SEO audits show how people discover and end up on your website from Google, how your website ranks for relevant keywords, and what you can do to increase organic visibility and traffic.

Use the insights to:

  • Guide content efforts and fill in gaps
  • Increase the number of impressions and clicks from organic search results
  • Find strategic direction for content themes
  • Outrank competitors in organic search results

SEO, I choose you

Messy web analytics

The understanding of your business performance is only as good as your analytics setup allows.

Our analytics audits include recommendations to ensure your data flows as it should and set the foundations to streamline your processes.

Use the insights to:

  • Improve your GA4 setup and measure what matters
  • Make more out of Google Tag Manager 
  • Get a clear understanding of your website's health and potential bottlenecks
  • Adjust your KPIs and reporting if they don't align with your business needs.

Show me the light

"During my career, I’ve run similar projects with at least five top-class agencies.

Compared to them, this was absolutely the best one."

Valtteri Taube
Marketing & Communications Director, Siili

Valtteri Taube 1

Leave no stone unturned.

Tell us what feels wrong, and we'll show you how to fix it.

Here's how it works


1 - Tell us where to look

Show us what's wrong, we'll tell you how it should be. We start by asking questions to understand your situation and ask for all relevant accesses to get the full picture.


2 - Checking what's broken

We'll check everything within reach to find the answers you need. Depending on what we're auditing and how many audits you sent our way, this may take from 1 to 6 weeks.


3 - Full diagnosis & next steps

We'll present our learnings to you and your team. You'll also receive clear-cut documentation, including our findings and recommended next steps to get things going.


Tell us what's broken

Frequently asked questions

How long does the marketing audit take?

It depends!

An audit can take 1 to 3 weeks from start to finish. 

If you choose to audit multiple areas of your marketing organization, we will conduct multiple simultaneous audits. Expect multiple audits to take 4 to 6 weeks.

The timeline mainly depends on:

  • how quickly we can set up a kick-off meeting with you
  • how fast you can provide access to your marketing tools
  • how much there is to audit (content, campaigns, HubSpot processes, etc.)

How much will it cost?

It depends. Each situation is unique.

As with duration, the cost for your audit(s) depends on what you need to be audited and how much information we need to digest.

Here's a cost estimate for medium-sized audits:

  • Content audit: 2 400 - 3 600 €
  • Digital advertising audit: 1 500 - 2500 €
  • HubSpot audit: 1 000 - 2000 €
  • Marketing funnel audit: 5 000 - 7 000€
  • SEO audit: 1 200 - 2 400 €
  • Website analytics audit: 4 000 - 5 000€

Can I hire you to implement the recommended fixes?

We're happy to fix what needs fixing.

You can either follow and implement our recommendations yourself, or let us do the heavy lifting.

How much time do I need to allocate for this?

All in all, our audit process shouldn't require more than a working day from you.

  • Kick-off meeting (1-2 hours)
  • Weekly catchups (15-30 min each)
  • Audit findings walkthrough (2 hours)
  • As the work progresses, we may need your help to clarify a few things.

Who will do the auditing?

Our content, advertising, data, and HubSpot strategists, of course!

Whatever your marketing problem, we have an expert for it.