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Brand & Identity Services

Value proposition and positioning

Let's figure out what makes you YOU

Visma Enterprise
QT Group
Happy Signals
Toggl Plan
HR Datahub
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Costa Commerce

Your business. Your market. Your story.

How we got +250% in ICP trial starts for Toggl

“Advance B2B helped us clarify our ICP. As a result, we were also able to clarify our positioning and redefine our messaging. That has given us a solid foundation to explore different things further in all the marketing channels that we’ll be using from now on!”

Jitesh Patil
SEO & Content Specialist, Toggl


Questioning your value proposition and positioning?

Your value proposition is the backbone of your B2B tech business. It tells your audience what makes you YOU and why anyone should choose you over the competition in a crowded market. And where should you position yourself in your market anyway?

To be clear, a strong VP is neither “we are the best” nor “we are unique.” No, your value proposition should answer the following questions:

  • WHY are you the best for your target audience
  • WHAT makes you different from the competition?

Put a pin on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

A one-size-fits-all VP will not work. To create a valuable value proposition, you need to know who you should be talking to. This is why the first step towards nailing your value proposition is to validate your ICP. Something we excel at. We help our customers:

  • Challenge what they hold true vs. what their customers believe.
  • Identify the most profitable customers and narrow down the current ICP definition.
  • Conduct qualitative interviews with selected ICP-looking customers
  • Aggregate the information from the interviews
  • Refine the ICP definition.

Put a pin on your unique benefits

It’s not about being the loudest but accurate for your value-driven customers.

To nail your value proposition and positioning, we’ll listen to you and your customers to answer the following questions:

  • What truly sets you apart from the competition?
  • What pain points do you tackle?
  • What are use cases that only you can meet?
  • What are your unique selling points?
  • What would your customers do or use if your product was unavailable?

Ensure market perception meets your brand direction

Yes, your products or services do (and should) play a significant role in defining your value proposition, but they are also easy targets. With enough resources, anyone can copy your product and deliver it cheaply. What’s much more difficult to copy is your brand. Your brand is essentially what makes you YOU. We help B2B tech companies build robust brand strategies and:

  • Put what they stand for into words
  • Unroll consistent messaging and storytelling on all platforms
How we helped Mediamaisteri grow with growth marketing
"We started our cooperation by identifying our ICP, and from that ICP work, we realized that we needed to do a lot of development work with our positioning. Advance B2B was there to help us along the entire way."

Arttu Kotakorpi
Sales Manager, Mediamaisteri Oy

Arttu Kotakorpi

Featured content

ARTICLE - SaaS Positioning: Everything for Everybody vs. Something for Somebody

How can your SaaS product avoid sliding into the obscure mess of a dozen identical tools? This structured path to a killer SaaS positioning should help.

Read the article

PODCAST - How to stand out in crowded markets, with April Dunford

April Dunford is an expert in market strategy and positioning in B2B SaaS. Learn how SaaS companies can stand out in crowded markets in this podcast episode.

Listen to the show

Let’s fine tune your VP & positioning, together


We can’t tell you what your value proposition and positioning should be just yet. In any case, this is no small task. It requires expertise and knowledge—lots of it—from you, your products and services, your brand, your customers, and your market.

Even with all that, we can’t promise to get it right on the first try—that would be a lie. We can promise to approach your value proposition and assessment of your positioning with a methodic approach:

  • Listen to what your ICP says
  • Look at the value you provide
  • Figure out where you belong in your market

Let's have a talk!

If you’d like to talk to us about working together, your best bet is our calendar below. Find a time that's most convenient for you and simply book it! You'll be booked with someone from our sales team.

Alternatively, you can fill out this form and we’ll hit you back with an email within the next 24 hours (unless it’s the weekend or a national holiday, in which case we might take a tad longer, you know how that goes).

* if you're interested in working for us, visit our careers page!