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How to turn your SaaS product into a growth engine with Wes Bush, Principal at Product-Led Institute

You've likely heard the term "product-led growth" before, but what does it actually mean? What does a product-led marketing strategy look like?

Wes Bush is Principal at Product-Led Institute and in this episode, we cover how to turn your product into a growth engine. 

Wes is the bestselling author of "Product-Led Growth: How To Build a Product That Sells Itself" and is also founder of Product-Led Summit, so Wes lives and breathes all things product-led in the world of SaaS.

In this episode Wes shares his expertise with us as we cover:

  • How to align perceived and experienced value
  • An in-depth walkthrough of his bowling-alley framework for better onboarding
  • The components of a product-led marketing strategy
  • Why product-led growth is a team sport
  • And some examples of great product-led growth in SaaS

Happy listening! And continue the discussion by tweeting to us at @NordicEdward and @SaaSGrowthHub

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