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How to achieve real-time automated ABM at scale with Richard Makara, Growth Engineer at

Does your SaaS business need a growth function? 

Richard Makara is Growth Marketing Engineer at, a platform that automates every step of social advertising to unlock greater performance and creativity. Having first joined the events team at, Richard then became marketing lead for the EMEA region. From there, he established the growth function with two other colleagues with the goal to scale up ABM operations. 

In this episode, Richard discusses how growth teams can achieve real-time automated ABM at scale, including:

  • Why Smartly decided to set up a growth team
  • How their global, remote growth team operates across 3 continents to achieve 24/5 ops
  • Richard's approach to tackling ABM
  • A simple ABM campaign, called Operation Royal Mail, that Smartly ran across the UK & Europe
  • How to avoid sales-marketing disalignment in ABM
  • How to scale your ABM operations


Get tangible takeaways and concrete ideas for approaching ABM in your SaaS business. And stay tuned to the end of the episode where Richard takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers. 

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Enjoy the show!




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