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How to unlock a product-led approach to marketing, sales and growth with Blake Bartlett, Partner at OpenView (Podcast)

Blake Bartlett is Partner at OpenView and this episode is all about the one growth channel that many marketing teams may be overlooking, and that is the product itself.

Product-led Growth is a term that the OpenView team developed and Blake stopped by the podcast to explain what it actually is and discuss how companies can start developing a product-driven growth culture within their DNA, including:

  • how cross-functional teams from marketing, sales, product & customer success can leverage a product’s inherent virality as an acquisition channel
  • how you can build in virality into your product
  • the implications of product-led growth on pricing and packaging
  • the role of marketing and sales teams as part of a product-led growth strategy
  • some examples of good product-led growth companies


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Blake takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show!




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Product-led growth resources from OpenView >>

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