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What founders need to know about B2B Sales and Marketing

  • How much do founders know about Sales and Marketing?
  • How much should they? (the right answer is a lot)learning-TGH

Dave Kellogg is Executive in Residence at Balderton Capital. He also comes with 10 years of experience both as a CEO and a CMO.

Dave recently wrote “The Founder's Guide to B2B Sales”, and we invited him on the podcast to hear his thoughts on how founders should kickstart selling and what they can do to ensure a strong alignment between Marketing and Sales. 

In episode 97 of the SaaS Growth Hub Podcast, Dave tells us about the importance of understanding the basics of sales.

  • Why are sales and marketing so often misaligned?
  • … and what to do about it
  • What founders & CEOs should understand about marketing
  • How to find the right balance between building and scaling sales and marketing?

Watch the episode on YouTube.




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