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Use cases

Outsourced marketing

Build your own team or hire a marketing agency?

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Costa Commerce

It depends on how many hats you can wear, what type of assistance you need, and how fast you need it

So, should you outsource your marketing operations?

“Yes, absolutely!”

is what we’d say if we didn’t care. But the reality is that it depends.

Of course, in a world where cost and time are irrelevant, you’d have all the hands and expertise you need in-house. But in that case, you wouldn’t be considering hiring an agency, would you?


There are a couple of variables to consider




Hiring an agency means you’ll only have access to specific skills and expertise for as long as you pay for them. On the other hand, building your team means having access to the skills you need at all times.

Of course, finding the right people to build the team is lengthy and costly, not to mention the time it will take to create and deploy processes that will allow the team to function at full capacity.

Building in-house also means facing regular employee turnover. When outsourcing to an agency, the level of expertise, processes, and deliverables quality should remain unchanged, regardless of who is on your team.


(No) strings attached

Hiring someone (let alone an entire team) means a LOT of strings attached. What if you only realize you hired the wrong people 6 months down the line?

Hiring a partner agency means gaining immediate access to a team of marketing professionals with experience, fresh perspectives, and creativity to plan and execute your marketing strategy effectively—all that with no strings attached.



Agencies cost money, but so do employees

Each in-house hire will also significantly impact your customer acquisition cost (CAC). The most commonly used formula shows that the real average cost for each full-time employee is between 1,25 and 1,4 times their base salary.

Here's an example for a marketing team of four (based on the average monthly wage for marketers in Finland):

  • 1 CMO
  • 1 growth marketer
  • 1 content marketer
  • 1 digital advertiser

The average monthly cost for the above team is between €25,000-€30,000.

When outsourcing is the most viable option

Hiring an agency like Advance B2B gives you a chance to add more than one string to your bow without skyrocketing costs.

For instance, an investment of €10,000 to €15,000 per month would get you an extended team of at least 3 marketers to support (or carry) your marketing function. You could build a core team of

  • 1 growth marketer
  • 1 content marketer
  • 1 digital advertiser

Beyond the core team initially built to plan and deliver your marketing strategy, working with us means you also get access to skilled designers, web developers, marketing technology and data analytics consultants whenever you need them.


Meet the AB2B WAY

Work with an extended team

Working with us means you get access to seasoned and dedicated marketers and formidable humans. When hiring us, you don’t just pay for a pair of extra hands; you pay for a direct extension to your team.

Advance B2B - The Advance Way

Why hire Advance B2B

Oh boy, there are plenty of things we could say here to try and convince you we’re the best possible partner to outsource part or the entirety of your marketing operations. We could say that our reputation precedes us and that we are: 

  • Reliable
  • Working with strict processes we pass on to our customers
  • Able to deliver what we agree on together, on time.
  • Transparent and eliminate hidden costs; we deliver what was agreed on, at a price agreed on, and validate any change of plans with you beforehand
  • Work as one team.

Now, praising oneself is pretty lame. Let’s not waste anyone’s time. We do put our money where our mouths are, and our customers know it.

Hear what the customers say

Markus Linden-1
How we achieved over 100% growth in revenue for Virta

"When it comes to digital marketing—like SEO, SEA, content marketing, web development, and Hubspot knowledge—Advance B2B brings the expertise that we’re lacking. They also bring a fresh pair of eyes and ideas from outside of our industry. I especially appreciate our communication and the sprint agile model way of working. As a client, I feel very taken care of."

Markus Linden
Head of Digital Marketing, Virta

Rudan Zhang

"Advance B2B has been an invaluable resource in our growth journey. They really spent time learning about our target audience and our specific growth needs, assembled a great team that filled the skill gaps of my in-house team, and consistently delivered high-quality work week after week.

I have been impressed with the level of professionalism and the sense of true partnership the Advance B2B team brought, and my in-house team has learned many best practices from the AB2B team."

Rudan Zhang
VP of Marketing, Shortcut

Arttu Kotakorpi-2

“We realized that we needed to scale our marketing efforts, and we chose Advance B2B because of their experience with similar B2B SaaS companies.

With many organizations of our size, it isn’t possible to hire all the experts needed for a marketing team. We would’ve needed to hire over 10 in-house marketers to cover everything from growth marketing to paid ads, content marketing, data analytics, etc. So we really value that we can have all of the best experts from Advance B2B whenever needed.”

Arttu Kotakorpi
Sales Manager, Mediamaisteri Oy

Let's have a talk!

If you’d like to talk to us about working together, your best bet is our calendar below. Find a time that's most convenient for you and simply book it! You'll be booked with someone from our sales team.

Alternatively, you can fill out this form and we’ll hit you back with an email within the next 24 hours (unless it’s the weekend or a national holiday, in which case we might take a tad longer, you know how that goes).

* if you're interested in working for us, visit our careers page!