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* There is no ready-to-use recipe for a B2B marketing strategy

You’re not learning it from us; B2B marketing is tough, and you are likely elbow-fighting with strong competitors in a busy space and are having a hard time standing out of the crowd.

If what you’re after is guidance to figure it out, you’re in the right place.

Here’s why the guide covers:

Table of contents

  • The Basics of a B2B Marketing Strategy
  • Step 1. Analyze your current situation and challenges
  • Step 2. Figure out your positioning
  • Step 3. Figure out or validate your target audience
  • Step 4. (re)define your value proposition and Messaging
  • Step 5. Build a marketing funnel that makes sense
  • Step 6. Identify your main communication channels
  • Step 7. Review your marketing tools ecosystem
  • Step 8. Set S.M.A.R.T goals and KPIs


A marketing strategy isn’t set in stone

A marketing strategy isn’t set in stone

Situations change. Plans change. 

And so should your marketing strategy. It doesn’t mean you need to redo the whole thing every other year, but you should be able to adjust your direction based on the reality of your market.

That includes things like: 

  • New players entering the industry and eating your market shares
  • Evolution(s) in your ICP (ideal customer profile)
  • Evolution(s) in your offering
  • Or change in your messaging.
Thoughts about our approach

“Developing the marketing strategy helped us clarify and crystalize our overall business strategy. It’s not just a document that’s collecting dust—it’s really a living document that I’m using on a daily basis.” 

Saara Saalamo
Marketing Lead, RecRight

Saara Saalamo-1
More thoughts about our approach

"The entire strategy work went really smoothly. I was surprised by how quickly things progressed and strategy materials were delivered to us. It was all done in a couple of sprints. It was quick, comprehensive, and clear.”

Lotta Vänskä
Growth Lead, Vapaus

Lotta Vänskä
Even more thoughts about our approach

"One of the most important things that happened during the strategy phase was that we were finally able to make certain business decisions that had not been so easy for us in the past."

Niko Kultalahti
Head of Marketing, Gapps

Niko Kultalahti-2

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