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Data & Insights Services

Data & analytics audit

Gain a stronger understanding of your data ecosystem, improve your setup.

Visma Enterprise
QT Group
Happy Signals
Toggl Plan
HR Datahub
Shared Contacts for Gmail
Costa Commerce

Can you afford making mistakes because your data ecosystem leaves you in the dark?

How we audited the sh*t out of Siili

“Even with a very competent in-house team like ours, it would be impossible to have all that knowledge we can get from an agency”.

Valtteri Taube
Marketing & Communications Director, Siili

Valtteri Taube 1

Why even bother with an analytics audit?

The real question is: can you afford to make mistakes because your data ecosystem leaves you in the dark? The best way to build the foundation for sustainable growth and support all aspects of your business is a data and analytics ecosystem that works for you and mirrors how you operate. We’ve helped countless B2B tech companies:

  • Identify bottlenecks and shortcomings in their setup
  • Challenge their existing processes and fix what needs fixing
  • Implement relevant solutions to improve their setup
Expert blog

The growth metrics you should be reporting to your CFO

The backbone of our analytics audits

While each setup is different, here’s what we usually focus our attention on to get a full picture of the businesses we work with.


GA4 & Tag Manager Audit

  • Reviewing data flows from correct domains and subdomains
  • Reviewing for private data errors in GA4
  • Reviewing conversions, events, and goal configuration
  • Providing recommendations to deploy fixes.


Cookie banner Audit

  • Reviewing that the current cookie banner is up to date, working correctly, and compliant.
  • Providing recommendations to deploy necessary fixes in the cookie banner and cookie usage.

Technical Health

Search Console Audit

  • Reviewing Google Search Console for errors and other potential issues.
  • Reviewing your Core Web Vitals to understand how your pages perform based on real-world usage.
  • Providing overall recommendations to improve your website health.
  • Providing recommendations for optimizing your LCP (LCP, Largest Contentful Paint, or how long it takes for the largest piece of content to appear on screen), CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift, or how the elements on your page behave while during loading), and FID (First Input Delay, or how long it takes for your website to react to user input).

Our analytics audit process

Kick-off & analysis of your data and analytics ecosystem

At this stage, we’ll try and learn everything there’s to learn about your current data and analytics ecosystem and what you need it to be to truly support your organization.

  • We organize workshops to understand your challenges, goals, and the information you need to support your business.
  • We map your overall data ecosystem
  • We analyze the state of your GA4 and Google Tag Management setups to ensure they are correct, up-to-date, and compliant.
  • We also conduct data stream, tag, trigger, and variable audits, consent state checkups, and ensure that conversions, events, and audiences work properly.

Make recommendations for your next steps

We then gather all our learnings into a comprehensive, actionable documentation of improvement suggestions. From this point, we can also offer to implement our suggested plan of action to set you on the right path.

Need an in-depth data & analytics audit?



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Alternatively, you can fill out this form and we’ll hit you back with an email within the next 24 hours (unless it’s the weekend or a national holiday, in which case we might take a tad longer, you know how that goes).

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