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Customer story


Go-to-market strategy for the Nordics and successful advertising experiments

About TalentAdore

TalentAdore is an HR tech company that offers an AI-assisted end-to-end recruitment tool.

TalentAdore Hire helps companies with significant recruitment needs to handle recruitment processes smoothly, communicate to candidates throughout the process, as well as build talent communities to help with future recruitment needs. 

TalentAdore wants to maintain the human touch of recruitment processes while automating some of the manual tasks that take up a lot of time from HR professionals.

The ultimate goal was always to create a go-to-market strategy, but for that to happen, we needed to build a proper strategy and run marketing experiments to identify and overcome any potential bottlenecks. So, we got started with customer research, a strategic marketing strategy, and successful full-funnel advertising experiments. 

After a while, we were ready to get started on the go-to-market part.

What else did we do? Read on to find out!

Services provided

Marketing strategy
ICP, messaging and positioning
GTM strategy
Advertising-fueled experiments

Starting point

What TalentAdore needed help with

  • The TalentAdore team wanted help with building a go-to-market strategy for the Nordic market.
  • In order for us to test what works and what we should include in the go-to-market strategy, we had to begin with a full strategy phase and marketing strategy.
  • They also wanted more knowledge about how to conduct advertising experiments (more on that later!).

Why they chose Advance B2B

  • Advance B2B's professional ways of working
  • Our vast B2B tech marketing expertise and experience with experiments and strategic advertising
  • Our customer research process and the ability to really dive deep into customers' pain points and turn them into action points

Miira Leinonen from TalentAdore actually wrote on our blog about her experience with our strategy phase. Read it here

Some examples of our work

During our collaboration with Talent Adore, we wore both strategic and tactical hats:

  • Customer research to refine the Ideal Customer Profile
  • Marketing strategy to guide our actions based on the refined ICP 
  • Go-to-market strategy for the Nordics
  • Producing engaging content in English, Swedish, and Finnish
  • Full-funnel advertising experiments around content
  • A "human touch" themed campaign around real-life recruitment stories
Reference work images TalentAdore3

"The Advance B2B team is always professional, yet, they are also fun to work with. They understand our business well and are determined to help us grow globally. Together, we are on our way to fulfill our mission — to bring the human touch back to recruitment."

Miira Leinonen
CMO, TalentAdore

Miira Leinonen


Our North Star metric was the number of relevant demo requests through TalentAdore's website. 

Secondary metrics included content downloads and newsletter subscribers.


Scaling what works best to increase the number of relevant leads

Through our experiments, we have found the best working combinations of target audience, message, and channel—and we've also received numerous demo requests.

  • We have increased awareness around modern ways of recruiting and TalentAdore Hire.
  • In addition, we have offered our target audience useful and engaging content to make their work easier and more efficient.
  • The content has been created in different formats and it has resonated well with HR professionals. 
  • We also ran a playful campaign on LinkedIn, offering interesting things to read during the summer holiday. We tested a more casual tone, and the campaign contributed to grow our newsletter subscribers. 




One of the main highlights from our collaboration was a campaign we ran to increase Talent Adore's brand awareness in Sweden; the Human Touch campaign.

Our "Human touch" campaign

Recruitment is all about people.

And so, in this awareness-stage campaign designed specifically for the Swedish market, we wanted to highlight the importance of maintaining the "human touch" in recruitment.

We decided to run ads with recruitment stories from situations that TalentAdore Hire can help with.

We then set out to collect real-life recruitment stories, and wrote about them.

With this campaign, we reached a CTR of 1.39% and CPC of 1.46€ —  both significantly better than the industry benchmarks. 🎉


Let's have a talk!

If you’d like to talk to us about working together, your best bet is our calendar below. Find a time that's most convenient for you and simply book it! You'll be booked with someone from our sales team.

Alternatively, you can fill out this form and we’ll hit you back with an email within the next 24 hours (unless it’s the weekend or a national holiday, in which case we might take a tad longer, you know how that goes).

* if you're interested in working for us, visit our careers page!