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Content audit

We tell you what’s wrong with your content game and how to improve it

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What’s a content audit?

Picture this: You have been publishing content for a while, but the performance isn’t picking up. Traffic is not increasing, and visitors aren’t engaging with your content, let alone converting or moving down your funnel.

This is where a content audit comes in and provides answers; it gives you a snapshot of the “state of your content” at a given time.

Our content audits give you:

  • An in-depth analysis of your website’s content, your bottlenecks and what’s missing from your content mix.
  • A clear view of your content performance.
  • A list of recommendations and actions so that your content efforts support your overall company objectives.

Hit pause and (re)set the course for your content operations


We don’t want to target anyone with a heartbeat

A content audit is relevant when your content efforts are missing a clear direction. It answers the following question: “What should I do next?

  • You’re launching a product or a service and must ensure your content aligns with your goals.
  • Your content has turned into a neverending library, and you need to figure out what to delete, keep, and update.
  • Your content is not supporting your business goals.
  • Or you’re just unsure how your content is performing and want to discover how to get the most out of it.

When is it not relevant

It makes sense to do a content audit if you have content to audit. If you’re just starting - or about to begin - your content production, there’s very little you’ll learn from a content audit. In this scenario, we could assist you in producing a killer content marketing strategy.

Expert blog

Build a B2B SaaS content marketing strategy for YOUR brand

Here’s what happens during our content audit

We follow a strict process when conducting audits. It’s not just about getting our hands on data. We use data from different trusted sources, aggregate it and turn it into actionable insights you can work from.

#1 - Hearing you out

Before anything else, we need to understand what you expect from your content efforts, who you're targeting, and what their problems are.

With this knowledge, we'll be able to create a frame for the audit and make relevant recommendations.

#2 - Gathering data

We use tools (Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMRush, ahrefs, and HubSpot) to collect data about your website content: traffic, bounce rates, engagement, conversions, and organic performance.

#3 - Analyzing your content

We identify and flag content that is outdated, irrelevant, successful, and missing per topic, audience, and funnel stage. We analyze the overall quality of your content in terms of usability, readability, and optimization.

#4 - Documenting everything

We prepare a document that details the issues hindering your content efforts. We will also give you actionable, data-backed recommendations to improve the results of your content pages.

How long does the audit take?

After you’ve briefed us about your content goals and given us access to your data, it will take around two weeks to complete the audit.

This may vary depending on how much content there is to audit.

What you get from our content audit

  • An overall analysis of your current content performance.
  • A list of recommendations and actions to get your content in order (short and long-term)
  • Tailored suggestions on copy fixes, new content, topics to create content on, content optimization, content strategy, or content tactics, just to give you a few examples.
  • Suggestions that can be used to align your brand messaging, marketing campaigns, and sales messaging.

Who are our content audits for?

We’d love to tell you that our content audit is perfect for everyone. But the truth is our clients are B2B tech companies - that’s why our best expertise lies in that field, too.

So, if you want to get the most out of our content audit, you are:

  • A B2B tech business looking for a strategic pair of eyes to look at content in the context of your business rather than analyzing individual campaigns
  • Using content as a tactic to achieve your growth targets
  • Using and granting us access to your HubSpot, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console.
How we audited the sh*t out of Siili

“My role is to guide and prioritize the marketing team's work. This audit turned out to be an excellent tool for that.”

Valtteri Taube
Marketing & Communications Director, Siili

Valtteri Taube 1

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Alternatively, you can fill out this form and we’ll hit you back with an email within the next 24 hours (unless it’s the weekend or a national holiday, in which case we might take a tad longer, you know how that goes).

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