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Brand strategy, messaging, and storytelling

Anyone can duplicate your features.

No one can steal your brand.

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Costa Commerce

Your brand is your strongest asset

How we helped Costa Commerce create a brand

"I am especially happy with the way our Advance B2B team was able to extract the ideas and thinking from our heads, formalize them, and turn them into an actual brand personality & tone of voice that both now live in all the assets we have: from pitch decks to website copies."

Esamatti Vuolle
CEO & Co-founder, Costa Commerce

Esamatti Vuolle 3

Building a B2B brand is 5% luck, 95% rigorous planning

Are those numbers bogus? Absolutely. But you get the idea.

Let’s make one thing clear: You can’t control everything. Hell, most factors impacting your organization are likely out of your hands. However, you can work on your brand. You and you alone have this power.

Now, we can’t do magic and Thanos our way in by snapping our fingers, but with us comes a ton of experience, rigorous planning, and outstanding execution to ramp up your entire organization. In short, we can:

  • Validate your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
  • Nail your value proposition and positioning
  • Polish tone of voice, storytelling, and messaging
  • Ensure consistency throughout all touchpoints

Validating your ICP*

Customers are everything.

One of our greatest strengths is giving our customers a strong(er) understanding of who their ideal customers are—and who they are not—so that they don’t end up targeting just anyone with a heartbeat. We:

Run qualitative customer research to build or refine your ICP definition.

Conduct in-depth interviews to challenge our hypotheses.

Build and adjust your overall marketing strategy based on learnings.

*Ideal customer profile.


Featured content

ARTICLE - Your step-by-step guide to better B2B SaaS customer research

B2B SaaS customer research is more than buyer personas. But what is it about, and how can you really shape your ideal customer profiles?

Read the article

ARTICLE - 10 real-life examples of using customer research findings in marketing

Customer research isn't as daunting as it sounds. You only need to talk to six people to gain insights and identify patterns to boost your marketing.

Read the article

Nailing your value proposition and positioning

Your buyers are result-driven. A strong value proposition (VP) should let your audience know what difference you make and how you can help them achieve their objectives. As such, it guides your positioning and how you want the market to perceive you. In other words, get your VP wrong, and your entire revenue stream could be affected. We help you:

  • Put a pin on your ICP: who finds the most value in what you bring?
  • Identify relevant competition: what would your customers do or use if not your product?
  • Put your unique attributes forward: What really makes you special? And no, the answer isn’t just your product (or you’ve already lost).
  • Show the real value of your product/solution: what really motivates your customers to pay for your services?
  • Ensure market perception meets your brand direction: we help you figure out which market category you should compete in.

Featured content

ARTICLE - SaaS Positioning: Everything for Everybody vs. Something for Somebody

How can your SaaS product avoid sliding into the obscure mess of a dozen identical tools? This structured path to a killer SaaS positioning should help.

Read the article

PODCAST - How to stand out in crowded markets, with April Dunford

April Dunford is an expert in market strategy and positioning in B2B SaaS. Learn how SaaS companies can stand out in crowded markets in this podcast episode.

Listen to the show

How we got +250% in ICP trial starts for Toggl

“Advance B2B helped us clarify our ICP. As a result, we were also able to clarify our positioning and redefine our messaging. That has given us a solid foundation to explore different things further in all the marketing channels that we’ll be using from now on!”

Jitesh Patil
SEO & Content Specialist, Toggl


Polishing tone of voice, storytelling, and messaging

Whatever your plans, consistency is crucial. Now, we can’t prevent your sales reps from going rogue and butchering your sales decks, but we do our very best and can:

  • Produce a tone of voice guide that resonates with your brand.
  • Create message maps to ensure all future external communications are on Brand throughout each and every touchpoint
  • Work on copy updates in the name of consistency.
  • Run workshops and training to put an emphasis on Brand 

Featured content

ARTICLE - Brand — the forgotten ingredient in B2B SaaS growth

The essence of growth marketing is bringing together the short-term hacks and the long-term strategy—closely tied to your brand. Why? Read it on the blog.

Read the article

PODCAST - Notion's playbook for building an authentic enterprise brand with Camille Ricketts

Camille Ricketts, CMO at Notion shares how Notion built a multi-billion dollar brand by humanizing enterprise marketing.

Listen to the show

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* if you're interested in working for us, visit our careers page!